Block Party
Block Party is an app and website launched in September 2019. The app connects residents with local businesses and events by offering exclusive deals. In partnership with MOBILE-DI and Block Party, I designed the app’s core user interfaces and functionality through a design + dev collaboration and minimum viable product (MVP) sprint process we called MVP Jumpstart.
The challenge was in identifying, designing, and problem solving around the primary purpose and functionality of the app within a four week sprint process. The first step in our process was to collaboratively identify the app’s most urgent needs and core functionality. We also identified our target audiences of initial users and participants as: local businesses looking to connect with their target market and new or current residents in Parker, Colorado (where the app would first launch). The primary goal was making sure the app was successfully adopted by new users, providing them a seamless and delightful user experience.
The Process
Through our MVP Jumpstart process we assessed the Block Party stakeholders’ project requirements and goals, identifying the most urgent needs for an MVP in order to map out their custom solution.
User Flow Diagram
The core user flows we focused on were the login and onboarding flow as well as the process for collecting and redeeming deals in the form of digital coupons.
The Wireframes
Login Flow
Initially, there were firm business needs and requirements that included capturing emails via a login/sign up step before allowing the user to try out the app. While we discussed the pros and cons of this approach and presented UX research that discourages this step – particularly for a new app’s initial experience – there were valid reasons for a user to need a BlockParty account in order to save and redeem local deals.
Therefore effort was made to design a streamlined login flow. For the login flow, I researched various flows through a competitive analysis and landed on a user friendly two step flow.
Initial Login Wireframe Explorations
Onboarding Flows
We also discussed various onboarding flows, some with multiple onboarding questions useful to the business but not so useful to the user. Ultimately we decided on a better flow for the user’s experience in mind, limiting it to only the essential choices a user needs to make before getting fully into the app - the location the user wanted to search was critical for example. Next, a user is presented with a preview of featured deals where they can jump straight into any of those deals or choose what type of category they would like to explore.
Since launching, these flows have become further streamlined toward best practices, allowing the user to explore the app and find potential deals before logging in or signing up, validating my initial UX concerns and research.
Final Login Wireframes
Core Screens
Two of the most important screens for this app were the dashboard and deal screens and I created multiple versions and iterations we explored and discussed.
Final Wireframes
Coupon Redeem Flow
For the coupon redeem user flow (shown below) we explored two options, key to each included language telling the user what to expect when the redeem button was clicked and further instructions upon clicking:
Option A: Option A included a simple flow where a deal is counted as redeemed upon clicking the button which adds the coupon to a user’s personalized “My Deals” section where each coupon is saved and able to be accessed and shown at the point of purchase in store.
Option B: Option B followed a similar flow but upon clicking redeem an input code field would pop up that an employee in store would need to enter in order for a user to reclaim their deal. This process would improve accurate data and ensure users were not reusing coupons.
Because this product is in the MVP stage and we wanted to encourage adoption we chose to go with option A, the most seamless and frictionless of the two for the user.
Final High Fidelity Screens
BlockParty is now a five star rated app in Apple’s App Store and has survived and even thrived through the COVID-19 pandemic. Here are the final high fidelity mock-ups including requested web design explorations.