The Climate Reality Project 2018 Online Annual Report

  • The Climate Reality Project is a non-profit organization involved in education and advocacy related to climate change, founded by former Vice President Al Gore. While working there full-time as their lead designer, one of my favorites projects was designing and executing on their first-ever online Annual Report.

The Process

I lead the creative concept for the 2018 online annual report which began with a grant report template re-design. Grant reports at The Climate Reality Project were produced for some of the organization’s largest donors and can be thought of as personalized annual reports. In 2018 we strategically set out to redesign the print/PDF format with the future online annual report in mind. For this format, we aimed for shorter text blocks, leaving room for more info-graphics and icon-based stats that would boost the visual design and give a reader a way to absorb the report in a more pleasing manner.

Grant Report

Web Format

For the web format we added some effects to help the report feel more interactive and “alive” through parallax scrolling and dynamic animations.

The web format also allowed us to feature additional content sections utilizing light boxes. One challenge for me as the report was adapted to the web format was maintaining the design systemI’d created for the grant report, while creating new but complimentary systems as new content and sections were added.

This annual report is essentially one long web page, therefore, a top navigation that brings users to the top of each main section as well as a sticky scroll to top arrow were critical to the user experience.


Sales User Onboarding


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